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♀ Jaimey (girl)
What does Jaimey mean?
Jaimey as a name for girls (also used as boys' name Jaimey) is of Hebrew derivation, and the name Jaimey means "he who supplants". Jaimey is a variant form of Jamie (Hebrew): originally a short form of James.
ASSOCIATED WITH supplants (victory)
RELATED FORMS VIA JAMIE Jaima, Jaimelynn, Jaimi, Jaimie▼, Jaimy, Jama, Jamee, Jamei, Jamese, Jamey, Jami▼, Jamia▼, Jammie, Jayme▼, Jaymee, Jaymie
Jaimey Maxine (J.M.), ..
How popular is Jaimey?
Jaimey is a rare given name for women. Jaimey is also a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Jaimey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000 are Jamie (#614 IN 2018), Jaime, Jaimee, Jaimie, Jama, Jamee, Jamey, Jami, Jamia, Jammie, Jayme, Jaymee and Jaymie. These forms of Jaimey were popular as birth names 38 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.8%) and have become significantly less popular since, with versions like Jaimie falling out of fashion. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aimey, Bailey, Cailey▼, Caisey, Caitey, Daisey, Hailey, Jacey, Jackey, Jaicee, Jaide, Jaidee, Jaiden▼, Jaina, Jaine, Jainee, James▼, Janae, Janaea, Janaeh, Janay▼, Jane▼, Janea, Janee, Janey, Janie▼, Janne, Janney▼, Janny, Jany, Jayne▼, Jemmy, Jenney, Jinee, Jinny, Kailey▼, Kaitey, Laicey, Laidey, Lainey▲, Laisey, Maicey, Maime, Maisey, Railey, Rainey, Saidey, Samey, Sammey and Tammey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jaimey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]