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♀ Janay
What does Janay mean?
Janay ▼ as a name for girls has its root in American. Janay is a version of Janae (American).
VARIANTS Jinnea, Jinae, Jennaya, Jennay, Jennae, Jenee, Jenay, Jenai, Jenae, Jeanay, Jeanae, Jannae, Janea, Janaye, Janaya▼, Janais, Janai, Janah, Janaeh, Janaea
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Junay, ..
(male) Jain, ..
Janay Amaria (J.A.), ..
How popular is Janay?
Janay is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2987 out of 4276, Top 70%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Janay entered the list in 1980-1989 and reached its apex rank of #719 in the U.S. in 1990, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Janae (#1193 A YEAR AGO), Janai, Janaya, Janea, Jenae and Jenee are the prominent alternative forms of Janay. These relations of Janay were at the top of their popularity 21 years ago (USAGE OF 0.1%) and are now much less popular, with versions like Janay becoming less fashionable.
Similar Names
Janay▼ is pronounced similarly to Genae, Jaena, Jana▼, Janaea, Janaye, Jannah, Janney▼, Jannie▼, Jany, Jeanie▼, Jeena, Jeni, Jenna▼, Jiana, Jinee, Jinia, Jona, Joni▼, Jonie, Jonna, Junae, Juneau, Junia, Juno and Zhanaya. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Danay, Denay, Dinay, Jacey, Jacky, Jacy, Jada▼, Jady, Jaimy, Jama, Jamey, Jan▼, Janalyn, Jandy, Jane▼, Janean, Janel▼, Janely, Janet▼, Janis▼, Janit, Janka, Jann, Janne, Janot, Jarae, Jaral, Jay, Jaya, Jazan, Jazzy, Jency, Juana, Laday, Laray, Monay, Ranay, Renay, Ronay and Shanay. These names tend to be less frequently used than Janay.