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♀ Janaya
What does Janaya mean?
Janaya ▼ as a girls' name is of American derivation. Janaya is a version of Janae (American).
VARIANTS Jinnea, Jinae, Jennaya, Jennay, Jennae, Jenee, Jenay, Jenai, Jenae, Jeanay, Jeanae, Jannae, Janea, Janaye, Janay▼, Janais, Janai, Janah, Janaeh, Janaea
Janaya Adira (J.A.), ..
How popular is Janaya?
Janaya is a rare given name for women. Janaya is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Janaya was first listed in 1997 and reached its peak position of #1167 in the U.S. in the year 2002, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Janaya appearing in the Top 2000 are Janae (#1193 A YEAR AGO), Janai, Janay, Janea, Jenae and Jenee. Other forms, like Janah, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Janaya was at its apex in 1997 (AVERAGE #1502) and is now much less (#1884, 80% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Janaya falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Janaya▼ is alike in pronunciation to Genya, Jaena, Janae, Janaea, Janah, Janais, Janea, Janee, Janey, Jannae, Jannie▼, Jeana▼, Jeanay, Jenai, Jennay, Jiana, Jina, Jinia, Jinna, Joana▼, Jonay, Jonna, Junae, Junia and Zhanaya. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aanya, Anaya▲, Canada, Danaca, Danay, Danaye, Danya, Enaya, Fanya, Haniya, Hannya, Inaya, Jaima, Jaimy, Jakayla▼, Jakiya, Jalayna, Jama, Jamey, Jamia▼, Jan▼, Janalyn, Jandy, Jane▼, Janela, Janeta, Janeva, Janica, Janika, Janina, Janita, Janka, Jann, Janne, Janora, Jaya, Jenara, Johana, Juana, Kanara, Manya, Maraya, Paniya, Panya, Ranay, Tanaia, Tanaya, Tanya▼, Tenaya and Vanya. These names tend to be more frequently used than Janaya.