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♀ Jaral
What does Jaral mean?
Jaral as a girls' name is an American name. Jaral is a variant form of Ja- (American).
RELATIONS VIA JA- Jakayla▼, Jakira, Jalea, Jalyn▼, Jamari, Janiel, Janora, Jarae
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Jarali, ..
(male) Jarlal, ..
Jaral Laniyah (J.L.), ..
How popular is Jaral?
Jaral is an uncommonly occurring given name for females but a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#123314 out of 150436, Top 82%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Jaral (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Jakayla (#1721 IN 2018) and Jalyn. Other forms, like Jarae, are uncommon. These forms of Jaral were at the top of their popularity 2 decades ago (MEDIAN #747) and are now significantly less widespread, with forms such as Jalyn becoming less trendy. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Jaral is alike in pronunciation to Jeriel. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aural, Coral, Hazal, Jada▼, Jadra, Jael▲, Jama, Jana▼, Janae, Janah, Janai, Janay▼, Janel▼, Jarae, Jaya, Jayel, Jayil, Jazan, Jearl, Jerae, Jorah, Koral, Laural, Marial and Meral. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jaral.