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♀ Jemaica
What does Jemaica mean?
Jemaica as a girls' name is a variant form of Jamaica. Place name: the West Indies island.
VARIANTS Jemayka, Jamaika, Jamaeca
Jemaica Laila (J.L.), ..
How popular is Jemaica?
Jemaica is a rare given name for females. Jemaica is also a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Jemaica has yet to make it into the list so far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Jemaica is alike in pronunciation to Jamaeca, Jamaica, Jamaika, Jamika and Jemayka. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aerica, Amica, Cedrica, Denica, Derica, Gerrica, Heroica, Jaina, Jamaine, Jamila, Janica, Jarica, Jeana▼, Jeanice, Jeanina, Jeanna▼, Jecca, Jeddida, Jelina, Jelisa, Jemila, Jemima, Jemimah, Jeminah, Jemma▲, Jemmie, Jemsa, Jenai, Jenara, Jenica, Jenice, Jenika, Jenita, Jennica, Jennice, Jennika, Jennita, Jensina, Jeraine, Jerica▼, Jermain, Jerrica▼, Jerrika, Jesaca (see Jessica), Jesica▼, Jesicca, Jessaca, Jessca, Jesseca, Jessia, Jessica▼, Jessicia, Jessicka, Jessika▼, Jessina, Jessiya, Jessyca, Jestina, Jezica (see Jessica), Jumana, Jumanna, Meica, Nenica, Nennica (see Neneca), Tamica, Terica, Tessica, Veranica, Verica and Yessica. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jemaica.