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♀ Jenesyss
What does Jenesyss mean?
Jenesyss as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and Jenesyss means "origin, birth". Jenesyss is a variant form of Genesis (Hebrew).
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA GENESIS Genesies, Genesiss, Genessa, Gennesiss
Jenesyss Addilyn (J.A.), ..
How popular is Jenesyss?
Jenesyss is a rare given name for females. Jenesyss is also a unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Jenesyss (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Genesis (#57 IN 2018) and Jenesis (#966). Adoption of these forms of Jenesyss was at its apex in the year 2013 (USAGE OF 0.3%) and has remained as conventional to this day (USAGE 0.3%, ▼1%). Genesis is the clear favorite, though Jenesis has gained in popularity. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aeress, Agness, Candyss (see Candice), Dameryss (see Damaris), Inness, Jalessa, Jancess, Janeesa, Janeese, Janely, Janess, Janessa, Janesse, Janessia (see Janice), Janey, Janiss (see Janice), Janissa, Jannessa, Jelissa, Jenalynn, Jenay, Jency, Jenee, Jeneen, Jenefer, Jeneffer, Jenell, Jenella, Jenelle▼, Jenene, Jenessa, Jenetta, Jenette, Jeneva, Jenise, Jenista, Jennay, Jennaya, Jennessa, Jenney, Jennis, Jenny▼, Jensina, Jensine, Jerelyn, Jeressa, Jesenya, Jess, Jessa, Jesse▼, Jessi▼, Jessy, Jessyca, Jessye, Jessyka, Jesusa, Jesyka, Jewelisa, Jewelyn, Jinessa, Jonessa, Neryss, Venessa▼ and Venesse. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jenesyss.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]