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♀ Jenna
What does Jenna mean?
Jenna ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced JEN-ah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Jenna is "heaven". Also fanciful alteration of Jenny with the -a ending; diminutive of Jennifer; variant of Jean (Hebrew) "God's grace". The name is made famous by a character on the TV series "Dallas". Jenna is also used for blends and compound names. See also Genna. First Daughter Jenna Bush; actress Jenna Elfman. Also form of Eugenia. Also form of Gina.
VARIANTS Genna, Jena▼, Jennabel, Jennah, Jennalee, Jennalyn, Jennarae, Jennasee
RELATIONS VIA GENNA, JEAN, JENNIFER, JENNY Genae, Genaya, Gene▼, Genie, Genni, Gennie, Genny, Jeana▼, Jeane▼, Jeanee, Jeanene, Jeanie▼, Jeanine▼, Jeanna▼, Jeanne▼, Jeannie▼, Jeena, Jen, Jenarae, Jeneen, Jenene, Jenetta, Jeni, Jenica, Jenice, Jenika, Jenise, Jenita, Jenn, Jennafer, Jenne, Jennee, Jennessa, Jennet, Jennetta, Jenney, Jenni, Jennica, Jennie▼, Jennika, Jennine, Jennis, Jennita, Jenny▼, Jennyann, Jinni, Jinny, Jyn
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Jenia, ..
(male) Jenah, ..
Jenna Maisy (J.M.), ..
How popular is Jenna?
Jenna is a very prominent first name for women (#453 out of 4276, Top 11%) and a slightly less prominent last name for both adults and children (#118954 out of 150436, Top 79%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Jenna was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its highest rank of #45 in the U.S. in 2001, and is at #423 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Jenna (#423 FROM RECENT DATA) are Jennifer (#345), Kenna (#686), Jenny (#1120), Gina (#1802), Jena, Jennie, Jenni, Jennah, Jenise, Jenice, Jenica, Jeni, Eugenia, Jeannie, Gene, Jeanna, Jeanine, Jeanie, Jeanene, Jeane, Jeana, Jean, Gennie, Genna, Genie and Jeanne. Adoption of these relations of Jenna was widespread among parents 4 decades ago (USAGE OF 3.2%) and is now much diminished (USAGE 0.1%, DOWN 96%), with forms such as Jeanna going out of style. Kenna is the most contemporarily stylish name for newborns in this compilation.
Similar Names
Jenna▼ is pronounced similarly to Gena▼, Genya, Geonna, Ginia, Ginny, Ginya, Gionna, Jaina, Janaea, Janai, Janna▼, Janny, Janoah, Jany, Jayna, Jenae, Jenee, Jennay, Jennaya, Jinna, Jinnie, Joanna, Johna, Jona and Jonee. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Brenna▼, Denna, Deonna, Eena, Geina, Glenna▼, Gunna, Hanna▼, Hinna, Honna, Jann, Janne, Jeanina, Jecca, Jemma▲, Jenara, Jenda, Jenina, Jennara, Jenneva, Jesca, Jeyla, Jonina, Juana, Keanna▼, Lena▼, Lenna▼, Leyna, Lynna, Merna, Nanna, Neina, Nenna, Penna, Reena, Reina▲, Reyna▲, Ronna, Seana, Teena, Tunna, Vanna, Veena, Venna, Vienna▲, Xena, Yanna, Zeena, Zenina and Zenna. These names tend to be less frequently used than Jenna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]