Home > Jessica


What does Jessica mean?

Jessica Pronunciation of Jessica as a girls' name is pronounced JESS-a-kah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jessica is "He sees". Coined by Shakespeare (from the Old Testament Iscah or Jesca) in "The Merchant of Venice" for Shylock's daughter, a young Jewish woman who elopes with Lorenzo and converts to Christianity. Singer Jessica Simpson; actresses Jessica Lange, Jessica Tandy, Jessica Alba, Jessica Capshaw, Sarah Jessica Parker.


ASSOCIATED WITH old, testament (biblical), young, jewish (israeli)


VARIANTS Jassica, Jecca, Jesaca, Jesca, Jesica, Jesicca, Jesika, Jesenia, Jess, Jessa, Jessaca, Jessah, Jessaka, Jessalin, Jessalyn, Jessamyn, Jessca, Jesscia, Jesse, Jesseca, Jessey, Jessia, Jessicia, Jessicka, Jessie, Jessika, Jessiqua, Jessiya, Jessy, Jessyca, Jessyka, Jesyka, Jezeca, Jezica, Jezika, Jezyca, Jyssika, Lajessica, Tessica, Tjessica, Yessica

SEE ALSO Jessenia



Jessica Violet (J.V.), ..

How popular is Jessica?

Jessica is a very prominent first name for women (#26 out of 4276, Top 1%) and a slightly less prominent surname for all people (#78549 out of 150436, Top 52%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Jessica reached its top position of #1 in the U.S. in the year 1995, and is currently at #312. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jessica name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Jessica outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Jessica (#312 VIA LATEST LIST) appearing in the Top 2000 are Jesenia, Jesica, Jesika, Jess, Jessa (#1073), Jessalyn, Jesse, Jesseca, Jessenia, Jessie (#656), Jessika, Jessy and Yessica. Usage of these relations of Jessica reached its peak 38 years ago (USAGE OF 2.9%) and is now much less (USAGE 0.1%, 96% LESS), with versions such as Jessie becoming less stylish.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jessica, Jesenia, Jesica, Jesika, Jess in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jessa, Jessalyn, Jesse, Jesseca, Jessenia in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jessie, Jessika, Jessy, Yessica in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Jessica, Jessie outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Aerica, Cedrica, Denica, Derica, Derrica, Dusica, Gerica, Gerrica, Heroica, Jamaica, Janessia (see Janice), Janica, Jarica, Jarrica, Jasmina, Jeanice, Jeanina, Jeddida, Jedida, Jelina, Jelisa, Jemaica, Jemila, Jemima, Jemsa, Jenica, Jenice, Jenika, Jenina, Jenita, Jennica, Jennice, Jennika, Jennita, Jensina, Jensine, Jerica, Jerika, Jerrica, Jerrika, Jesenya, Jesirae, Jessamae, Jessamy, Jessana, Jessi, Jessilyn, Jessina, Jesslyn, Jesstina, Jessye, Jestina, Jestine, Jesusa, Josina, Justice, Justina, Meica, Messina, Mystica, Nenica, Nennica (see Neneca), Nessia, Terica, Tessia, Verica, Yesseca (see Yessica) and Yessika. These names tend to be less commonly used than Jessica.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
