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♀ Jewelisa
What does Jewelisa mean?
Jewelisa as a girls' name is of Old French derivation, and the name Jewelisa means "plaything, delight". Jewelisa is an alternate form of Jewel (Old French): literally, a precious gem.
OTHER FORMS VIA JEWEL Jewelene, Jewell▼, Jewella, Jewelle, Jewelyn
Jewelisa Nadia (J.N.), ..
How popular is Jewelisa?
Jewelisa is a rare given name for females. Jewelisa is an equivalently unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Jewelisa (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Jewel (#866 VIA LATEST LIST) and Jewell. These forms of Jewelisa were at the peak of their popularity during 1900-1909 (USAGE OF 0.2%) and are now much less popular, with versions such as Jewel becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Jewelisa is pronounced similarly to Jaleisa, Jelisa, Jelissa, Joleisa, Jolisa and Julisa▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adelisa, Aemelia, Anelisa, Annelisa, Bedelia, Berenisa (see Berenice), Cecelia▼, Cerelia, Chelisa, Deelia, Delisa, Ewelina, Fecelia, Felisa, Helisa, Idelisa, Jaleesa▼, Jalessa, Jalisa▼, Jalissa, Jaliza, Jamelia, Jecolia, Jekolia, Jelina, Jelka, Jenella, Jenesis▲, Jenessa, Jeremia, Jeressa, Jesenia▼, Jilleisa, Jillesa, Jocelina, Joleesa, Jolise, Jolissa, Joselina, Jowella, Julisha, Juliska, Julissa▼, Keelia, Leelia, Meelia, Melisa▼, Mellisa▼, Neelia, Secelia, Seelia, Shelisa and Telisa. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jewelisa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]