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♀ Jillie
What does Jillie mean?
Jillie as a girls' name is a Latin name, and the name Jillie means "youthful". Jillie is an alternate spelling of Jill (Latin): diminutive of Gillian.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA JILL Jil, Jilana, Jilian, Jillan, Jillana, Jillane, Jillayne, Jilleen, Jillene, Jillian▼, Jillianne, Jillyan, Jyll
Jillie Sharon (J.S.), ..
How popular is Jillie?
Jillie is an unusual first name for females. Jillie is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Jillie (NOT RANKED) are Jill and Jillian (#735 VIA LATEST LIST). Other forms, like Jilana, are uncommon. These forms of Jillie were popular in the 1970s (AVERAGE #250) and are now much less conventional, with forms such as Jillian becoming less in vogue. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Jillie is pronounced similarly to Giulia, Giullia, Jaylee, Jiulia, Jiuliya, Jiyulia, Jolee, Joli, Jolie▲, Joolie, Julee, Juli▼, Julia▼, Julie▼, Jullee, Jullia, Jullie and Jully. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailie, Aillie, Allie, Baillie, Billee, Billi, Billie▼, Billye, Callie▲, Cellie, Collie, Dilli, Dollie▼, Ellie▲, Emillie, Fillis, Gillie, Haillie, Hallie, Hildie, Hille, Hillie, Hollie▼, Jaelle, Jillaine, Jilliane, Jinnie, Joelle▲, Kallie▲, Kellie▼, Lallie, Lilie, Lilli, Lillia, Lillie▼, Lollie, Maillie, Mallie▼, Mellie▼, Mille, Millee, Milli, Millie, Mollie▼, Nellie▼, Ollie▼, Phillie, Pollie, Sallie▼, Silkie, Silvie, Tallie, Tildie, Tilli, Tillie▼, Vallie▼ and Yollie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jillie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]