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♀ Jolande
What does Jolande mean?
Jolande as a girls' name is of Greek and Latin derivation, and the name Jolande means "violet flower; purple". Jolande is an alternate spelling of Jolan (Greek): middle-European respelling of Iolanthe. Jolande is also a variant of Violet (Latin): one of the earliest flower names.
OTHER FORMS VIA JOLAN, VIOLET Eolande, Iolande, Iolanthe, Jola, Jolaine, Jolanda, Jolanne, Jolanta, Jolantha, Jolanthe, Violante, Yolanda▼, Yolande, Yolane, Yolanne, Yolanthe
Jolande Rosemarie (J.R.), ..
How popular is Jolande?
Jolande is an unusual given name for females. Jolande is an unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Violet (#43 IN 2018), Yolanda and Yolande are the popular varying forms of Jolande (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. These relations of Jolande were popular as baby names a century ago (MEDIAN #696) and have remained as common to this day (#1347, DOWN 8%), but with the form Yolanda going out of style. Violet is the most chic girl name here. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Armande, Bolade, Brande, Claude, Folasade, Garlande, Golde, Iolanda, Jaide, Jalaine, Jaline, Janae, Jane▼, Janee, Jeanae, Jeanee, Jeanne▼, Jelani, Jilana, Jillane, Jillanne, Joan▼, Joana▼, Joane, Joanie, Joann▼, Joanna, Joanne▼, Joannue, Joeann, Joeanne, Joeline, Johanna, Johanne, Johnnae, Johnnie▼, Jolana, Jolanna, Jolee, Jolena, Jolene▲, Jolie▲, Jolinda, Joline, Jolise, Jollene, Jolyn, Jolyna, Jolyne, Jomarie, Jonae, Jordane, Josanne, Josiane, Josline, Joslyne, Joslynne, Jovana▼, Jovanna▼, Jovanne, Joyann, Joyanne, Juliane, Juline, Melinde (see Melinda), Noland, Nolanda, Rolanda, Rolande, Salinde, Sande, Selinde, Solange, Yoland and Yollande. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jolande.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]