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♀ Jolene
What does Jolene mean?
Jolene ▲ as a girls' name is pronounced joh-LEEN. Modern name. A feminine variant of Joseph or a blend using Jo as a prefix with the suffix -lene from names such as Marlene. The name was made famous by a hit song of the same name, recorded by Dolly Parton in 1979.
VARIANTS Joeline, Joeleen, Joeline, Jolaine, Jolean, Joleen, Jolena, Jolin, Jolina, Joline, Jolleen, Jollene, Jolyn, Jolyna, Jolyne, Jolynn
OTHER FORMS VIA JO, MARLENE Jobelle, Jobeth, Jodean, Jodelle, Joette, Jolana, Joleesa, Jolinda, Jolisa, Jolise, Jonell, Jonelle, Joniece, Jorene, Josanne, Jovelle, Jozette
Jolene Zahara (J.Z.), ..
How popular is Jolene?
Jolene is a very popular first name for women (#624 out of 4276, Top 15%) but a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Jolene entered the list in 1920-1929 and reached its peak rank of #375 in the U.S. during the years 1970-1979, and is presently at #455. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Jolene (#455 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) are Marlene (#1383), Jo, Joette, Joleen, Joline, Jolyn, Jolynn, Jonell, Jonelle and Joseph. Other forms, like Jovelle, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Jolene was common among parents in the 1930s (MEDIAN #1269) and is now much reduced (#1803, ▼92%), with versions such as Joseph becoming somewhat outmoded. Jolene is the most chic baby name in this list.
Similar Names
Jolene▲ is pronounced similarly to Jalaine, Jalyn▼, Jaylene▲, Jewelene, Jillane, Jillene, Joelin, Joellen, Joelynn, Jolan, Jolanne, Julaine, Juleen, Juliane, Julienne, Juline and Julyne. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailene, Alene▼, Allene▼, Arlene▼, Colena, Colene, Collene, Corene, Dorene▼, Eilene, Elene, Ellene, Helene▼, Ilene▼, Jalena, Jalin, Jaline, Janene, Jelani, Jelina, Jenene, Joanne▼, Jolana, Jolande, Jolanna, Jolee, Joleta, Jolette▼, Joley, Jolie▲, Jolise, Jonee, Jorene, Josline, Joslyne, Jovena, Julena, Julina, Kalene▼, Kylene, Lorene▼, Melene, Mylene, Nolene, Orlene, Robene, Roelene, Roline, Rollene, Romene, Rosene, Roxene, Rozene, Solenne, Soline, Yolane, Yoslene and Zelene. These names tend to be less commonly used than Jolene.