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♀ Jolynn
What does Jolynn mean?
Jolynn as a girls' name is of American derivation. Jolynn is an alternate spelling of Jo (American). Jolynn is also a variation of Jolene.
VARIANTS Jolyne, Jolyn, Jollene, Jolleen, Joline, Jolin, Joleen, Jolean, Jolaine
RELATED FORMS VIA JO, JOLENE Jodean, Joeleen, Joeline, Jolana, Jolena, Jolina, Jolinda, Jolisa, Jolise, Jolyna, Jorene, Josanna, Josanne
Jolynn Haven (J.H.), ..
How popular is Jolynn?
Jolynn is a very prominent first name for women (#1848 out of 4276, Top 43%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Jolynn entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its highest rank of #1135 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Jo, Joleen, Jolene (#455 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Joline and Jolyn are the prominent alternative forms of Jolynn. Other forms, like Jolyna, are uncommon. These relations of Jolynn were at the peak of their popularity 68 years ago (MEDIAN #1085) and have become much less popular since, with the version Jo becoming less trendy. Jolene is the most contemporarily stylish baby name here.
Similar Names
Jolynn is pronounced similarly to Jaelyn, Jalyn▼, Jaylynn, Jilian, Jillan, Jillyan, Joeleen, Joelin, Joeline, Joellen, Joellin, Joelynn, Jolaine, Jolan, Jolanne, Jolean, Joleen, Jolene▲, Jolin, Jolleen, Jollene, Jolyn, Juleen, Juliann and Juline. Other recommended sound-alike names are Allynn, Arlynn, Avlynn, Calynn, Corynn, Edlynn, Elynn, Emlynn, Evlynn, Glynn, Jaclynn, Jalayna, Jalena, Jalin, Jaline, Jaslynn, Jelani, Jelena, Jelina, Jilana, Joann▼, Jobyna, Jocelynn, Joclyn, Joeann, Jolana, Jolanna, Jolena, Jolina, Joly, Jolyna, Jonalynn, Joslyn, Joslyne, Joslynn▼, Joslynne, Joyann, Julayna, Julena, Julina, Julyana, Julyanna, Kalynn, Korynn, Noelynn, Nolynn, Rolyne, Roslynn, Rozlynn and Zolynn. These names tend to be less frequently used than Jolynn.