Home > Josefena


What does Josefena mean?

Josefena Pronunciation of Josefena as a girls' name is a Hebrew name, and the name Josefena means "Jehovah increases". Josefena is an alternate spelling of Josephine (Hebrew).



VARIANTS Josephyna, Josephina, Josefina

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA JOSEPHINE Josana, Josanna, Josee, Josefa, Josefene, Josefine, Josepha, Josephene, Josetta, Josianna



Josefena Kailynn (J.K.), ..

How popular is Josefena?

Josefena is a rare given name for women. Josefena is an equivalently unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Josefa, Josefina, Josefine, Josepha, Josephina (#1803 VIA LATEST LIST) and Josephine (#91) are the popular variation forms of Josefena (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Josephyna, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Josefena was more pronounced during 1910-1919 (MEDIAN #1277) and has become significantly less since (#1649, 76% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Josephine becoming less in vogue. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Josefa, Josefina, Josepha, Josephina, Josephine in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Josefine, Josephine outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Alseena, Jeena, Jelena, Jocelina, Joeanna, Joleen, Joleesa, Jolena, Jordena, Joselina, Joseline, Joselyn, Joselyne, Josephyne, Josina, Jovena, Judeena, Koreena, Noreena, Robeena, Roseanna, Roselina, Rosena, Roweena, Roxeena and Yosefa. These names tend to be more frequently used than Josefena.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
