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♀ Josephine
What does Josephine mean?
Josephine ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced JOH-sa-feen. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Josephine is "Jehovah increases". Feminine of Joseph with the diminutive suffix -ine. Napoleon's famous Empress Josephine's real name was Marie Josephe. Cabaret celebrity Josephine Baker.
ASSOCIATED WITH empress (queen)
VARIANTS Fifi, Fifine, Fina, Finetta, Finette, Guiseppina, Jo▼, Joette, Joey, Joline, Josana, Josanna, Josanne, Josee, Josefa, Josefena, Josefene, Josefina▼, Josefine, Josepha, Josephe, Josephene, Josephina, Josephyna, Josephyna, Josephyne, Josetta, Josette, Josey, Josiane, Josianna, Josianne, Josie, Josy, Jozsa
Josephine Yamileth (J.Y.), ..
How popular is Josephine?
Josephine is a very popular first name for females (#121 out of 4276, Top 3%) but a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Josephine reached its highest position of #23 in the U.S. in the 1910s, and is at #91 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Josephine (#91 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) are Jo, Joette, Joey (#1447), Joline, Josefa, Josefina, Josefine, Joseph, Josepha, Josephina (#1803), Josette, Josey and Josie (#192). Usage of these relations of Josephine was at its most widespread during 1910-1919 (ADOPTION OF 0.83%) and has become much diminished since (ADOPTION 0.29%, DOWN 65.3%).
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Delphine▼, Jasmaine, Jasmine▼, Jeanine▼, Jenine, Jennine, Jensine, Jeraine, Jessamine, Jessimine, Jestine, Joaquine, Jocelin, Jocelina, Joceline, Jocelyne▼, Jocelynne, Joeanne, Joelin, Joeline, Joelliane, Joellin (see Joelle), Jolaine, Jolene▲, Jordaine, Jorene, Josalind, Josaline, Joscelin, Josceline, Joselina, Joseline▼, Joselle, Joselyn▼, Joselyne, Josilin, Josiline, Josina, Joslin, Josline, Joslyne, Joslynne, Jossalin, Josselynne, Jossline, Juelline, Justine▼, Modestine, Noeline, Orseline, Ralphine, Robertine, Roeline, Romeine, Rosaline, Roseanne, Roselaine, Roseline, Rosene, Rosine, Seraphine, Serophine, Stephaine, Stephane, Stephene, Stephine, Yosline and Zoeline. These names tend to be less frequently used than Josephine.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]