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♀ Kacie
What does Kacie mean?
Kacie ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced KAY-see. It is of American origin. Kacie and its variants are probably phonetic forms of the initials KC or variants of Casey (Irish, Gaelic) "alert, vigorous". Also form of Acacia.
VARIANTS Kacee, Kacey, Kaci, Kacia, Kacy▼, Kasey▼, Kayce, Kaycee▲, Kayci, Kaycie, KC
OTHER FORMS VIA CASEY Cacey, Caci, Cacia, Cacie, Cacy, Caisie, Casee, Casi, Casie▼, Casse, Cayce, Caycee, Cayci, Caycie, Cayse, Caysie, Kace, Kacye, Kacyee, Kaissie, Kasci, Kasee, Kasi, Kasie▼, Kaycey, Kayse, Kaysee, Kaysey, Kaysi, Kaysie, Kaysy
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Kancie, ..
(male) Kare, ..
Kacie Violeta (K.V.), ..
How popular is Kacie?
Kacie is a very prominent first name for women (#2052 out of 4276, Top 48%) but an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Kacie entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its peak rank of #496 in the U.S. in the year 1998, and is currently at #1672. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Casey (#916 LAST YEAR), Kasey (#1206), Kaycee (#1256), Kaci (#1523), Kacey (#1534), Acacia, Casie, Kacee, Kacy, Kasi, Kasie, Kayce, Kayci and Kaycie are the popular variation forms of Kacie (#1672). Other forms, like Caisie, are uncommon. These forms of Kacie reached the height of their popularity 3 decades ago (AVERAGE #1099) and are now significantly less conventional (#1740, ▼82.6%), with versions such as Kasie becoming somewhat dated. Kaycee is the most trendy baby name among these.
Similar Names
Kacie▼ is pronounced similarly to Cacey, Cacie, Casee, Casi, Casie▼, Cassie▼, Caycee, Caysie, Kacye, Kacyee, Kaissie, Kasee, Kasi, Kasie▼, Kassey, Kassia, Kassie▼, Kasy, Kaycey, Kaysey, Kaysie, Kaysy, Kessie, Kezia and Kizzie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Calie, Dacie, Danie, Dasie, Docie, Fancie, Halie▼, Jacie▼, Jackie▼, Jamie▼, Kace, Kade, Kadee, Kadia, Kadie, Kaia▲, Kait, Kaitie, Kalee▼, Kali▲, Kalie▼, Kami▼, Karee, Karie▼, Karis, Kasia, Kasse, Katee, Kati▼, Katia, Katie▼, Kayde, Kaylie▼, Kayse, Kecia, Kicia, Kodie, Korie, Kyrie, Lacie▼, Lanie, Macie, Marcie▼, Marie▼, Maxie▼, Nadie, Nancie, Sarie, Tacie and Tamie. These names tend to be less commonly used than Kacie.