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♀ Kalia
What does Kalia mean?
Kalia as a girls' name is a Hawaiian name, and the meaning of the name Kalia is "the flower wreath; the beloved". Kalia is an alternate form of Kalei (Hawaiian).
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Kolia, ..
(male) Kavis, ..
Kalia Giulia (K.G.), ..
How popular is Kalia?
Kalia is an uncommonly occurring given name for females but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#61855 out of 150436, Top 41%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Kalia was first listed in 1994 and reached its peak position of #1122 in the U.S. in the year 2009, and is currently at #1330. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Kalea (#1524 A YEAR AGO), Kaleah (#1449) and Kalei are the popular variation forms of Kalia (#1330). These forms of Kalia reached the top of their popularity in 2013 (AVERAGE #1399) and are almost as common today.
Similar Names
Kalia is pronounced similarly to Calee, Caley, Calie, Calla, Callia, Caylia, Kaala, Kaeley, Kahlei, Kailie, Kala▼, Kalae, Kaley▼, Kaly, Kayli▼, Kaylla, Kayllie, Kealy, Keelia, Keila, Keili, Keylie, Kilea, Kiley▼ and Kylea. Other recommended sound-alike names are Amalia▲, Dacia, Dalia, Fabia, Galia, Halia, Hania, Helia, Kacia, Kadia, Kadie, Kaia▲, Kaija, Kalifa, Kalila, Kalilah, Kalin, Kalina, Kalisa, Kalle, Kani, Kari▼, Karita, Karlita, Kasha, Kasia, Kasya, Katia, Katiya, Katla, Katlin▼, Katria, Kazia, Kelda, Kiria, Klea, Klio, Kylin, Lakia, Lalia, Lilia▲, Malia▲, Pania, Pavia, Sadia, Salcia, Tacia, Talia▲, Zalia and Zolia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kalia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]