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♀ Kamesha
What does Kamesha mean?
Kamesha as a name for girls has its root in American. Kamesha is a version of Ka- (American).
RELATIONS VIA KA- Kaleesha, Kalisa, Kalisha, Kalissa, Kalyssa, Kamara, Kaneesha, Kaneisha, Kanesha▼, Kaniesha, Kanisha▼, Karisha, Katasha, Katessa, Katisha
Kamesha Janie (K.J.), ..
How popular is Kamesha?
Kamesha is an unusual given name for females. Kamesha is an equally uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Kamesha (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Kaneesha, Kaneisha, Kanesha and Kanisha. Usage of these forms of Kamesha was at its highest 3 decades ago. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Kamesha is alike in pronunciation to Camesha and Cameshia. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Carmesha, Dameshia, Jameisha, Jamesha, Jamiesha, Jamisha, Kadesha, Kadisha, Kaleesha, Kalesta, Kalisha, Kamea, Kamelia, Kamella, Kaneesha, Kaneisha, Kanesha▼, Kaniesha, Kanisha▼, Karessa, Karisha, Karlesha, Kasha, Katasha, Katessa, Katisha, Keesha, Kenisha▼, Kennesha, Kesha▼, Kiesha, Kinisha, Koneesha, Lakesha▼, Lanesha, Latesha, Saesha, Tamisha, Tanesha▼ and Vanesha. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kamesha.