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♀ Kaska
What does Kaska mean?
Kaska as a girls' name is a Greek name, and Kaska means "pure". Kaska is an alternate spelling of Catherine (Greek): from katharos. Kaska is also a variation of Katherine (Greek).
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CATHERINE, KATHERINE Cass, Cassi, Cassy, Catha, Catia, Kait, Kaity, Karen▼, Karena, Kari▼, Karin▼, Karon▼, Karri▼, Karyn▼, Kas, Kasia, Kasienka, Kasja, Kass, Kassey, Kassi, Kassia, Kassie▼, Kassy, Kasya, Kat, Kata, Kate▼, Katee, Katena, Katenka, Katey, Katha, Kathi▼, Kathy▼, Kati▼, Katia, Katica, Katie▼, Katina▼, Katinka, Katka, Katla, Katouska, Katria, Katrya, Katushka, Katuska, Katy▼, Katya, Kay▼, Kaye▼
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Karka, ..
(male) Kaskeo, ..
Kaska Kimberly (K.K.), ..
How popular is Kaska?
Kaska is an unusual first name for women but a very prominent last name for all people (#38644 out of 150436, Top 26%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Kaska (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Katherine (#112 A YEAR AGO), Catherine (#204), Kate (#285), Katie (#449), Karen (#635), Kari (#1569), Katy (#1790), Katia (#1832), Kay, Katya, Katina, Kati, Kathy, Kathi, Cassi, Katey, Cassy, Kassie, Kassi, Karyn, Karri, Karon, Karin, Karena and Kaye. Adoption of these forms of Kaska reached its highest during the years 1950-1959 (AVERAGE #1112) and has become much lower since (#1635, ▼89.1%), with forms such as Katina falling out of fashion. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Hanka, Janka, Kaala, Kaara, Kacia, Kadia, Kaela▼, Kaeya, Kahla, Kaia▲, Kaija, Kaila▼, Kaira, Kala▼, Kalea, Kalia, Kalla, Kama, Kamea, Kara▼, Karla▼, Karma, Karna, Karra, Kasci, Kasee, Kasey▼, Kasha, Kasi, Kasie▼, Kason, Kasse, Kassja, Kasy, Kaya, Kayla▼, Kazia, Keasha, Kesha▼, Kesia, Kisha▼, Kosma, Kosta, Malka▲, Natka, Sarka, Staska, Taska, Valka, Varka and Vavka (see Varvara). These names tend to be more commonly used than Kaska.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]