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♀ Katchen
What does Katchen mean?
Katchen as a name for girls is of Greek origin, and the name Katchen means "pure". Katchen is an alternate form of Catherine (Greek): from katharos. Katchen is also a derivative of Katherine (Greek).
RELATED FORMS VIA CATHERINE, KATHERINE Cathe, Cathee, Cathern, Catreen, Karen▼, Kataleen, Katalin, Kate▼, Katee, Katena, Katey, Katha, Kathee, Katherin, Katheryn▼, Kathi▼, Kathie▼, Kathleen▼, Kathlene, Kathleyn, Kathrene, Kathryn▼, Kathy▼, Katie▼, Katleen, Katrena, Katrien
Katchen Julie (K.J.), ..
How popular is Katchen?
Katchen is a rare given name for females but a somewhat popular last name for both adults and children (#98298 out of 150436, Top 65%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Katchen (NOT RANKED) are Katherine (#112 VIA LATEST LIST), Catherine (#204), Kate (#285), Katie (#449), Kathryn (#453), Karen (#635), Kathleen (#894), Cathern, Katey, Katherin, Katheryn, Kathi, Kathie, Kathlene, Kathy and Katrena. Other variants, like Cathee, are seldom used. These relations of Katchen were popular as birth names during 1950-1959 (USAGE OF 5.1%) and have become significantly less common since (USAGE 0.4%, DOWN 91.4%), with forms like Katherine going out of style. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Catleen, Fanceen (see Fanny), Gretchen▼, Kace, Kacee, Kacey, Kacie▼, Kacye, Kacyee, Kaethe, Kaileen, Kaitleen, Kaleen, Kalen, Kameren, Kamren, Kareen, Karleen, Karlen, Karmen▲, Karren, Karsten, Kascey, Katelan, Katelin▼, Katelyn▼, Kathe, Kathey, Kathia, Kathlena, Kathlin, Kathlyn, Kathya, Katilyn, Katlin▼, Katlyn▼, Katlynn▼, Katreena, Katriel, Katrin, Kayce, Kaycee▲, Kaycey, Kaycie, Kayleen, Kaylen▼, Lottchen, Marceen and Patches. These names tend to be more frequently used than Katchen.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]