Home > Katerina


What does Katerina mean?

Katerina Pronunciation of Katerina as a girls' name has its root in Greek, and the name Katerina means "pure". Katerina is an alternate form of Catherine (Greek): from katharos. Katerina is also a Latin form of Katherine (Greek).


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, pure (virgin)


VARIANTS Katarina, Caterina, Catarina

RELATED FORMS VIA CATHERINE, KATHERINE Catalina, Catarine, Cateline, Caterine, Catharina, Cathelina, Catherin, Catherina, Catherinn, Cathrine, Cathrinn, Catina, Catlaina, Catlina, Catreina, Catrin, Catrina, Catrine, Catriona, Catryna, Ekaterina, Kaitrin, Kaitrine, Kaitrinn, Kaitrinna, Kaitriona, Karena, Karin, Karrin, Katalin, Katalina, Katelijn, Katena, Katenka, Katerinka, Katharine, Kathelina, Katheline, Katherin, Katherina, Katheryn, Katheryne, Katherynn, Kathirin, Kathline, Kathrene, Kathrina, Kathrine, Kathrinna, Kathryn, Kathryne, Kathrynn, Kathyrine, Katia, Katica, Katina, Katinka, Katlaina, Katline, Katrena, Katria, Katriana, Katriane, Katrien, Katrina, Katrine, Katriona, Katrya, Katryna, Yekaterina



Katerina Rory (K.R.), ..

How popular is Katerina?

Katerina is an unusual given name for women. Katerina is an equivalently uncommon surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Katerina was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its apex position of #807 in the U.S. in 1994, and is at #1173 presently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Katerina name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Katerina outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent related forms of Katerina (#1173 FROM RECENT DATA) appearing in the Top 2000 are Katherine (#112), Catherine (#204), Catalina (#235), Kathryn (#453), Katalina (#629), Katrina (#1516), Katarina (#1594), Katia (#1832), Karena, Kathrina, Katrena, Katina, Kathryne, Cathrine, Kathrine, Katheryn, Katheryne, Karin, Catina, Katherina, Catarina, Katharine, Catrina, Catriona and Katherin. These forms of Katerina were favored as baby names during 1910-1919 (MEDIAN #1447) and are now much less widespread (#1605, 74.7%), with versions such as Kathryn becoming somewhat outmoded. Catalina, Katalina and Katerina are three of the more chic birth names in this compilation.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Katerina, Catalina, Catarina, Catherine, Cathrine in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Catina, Catrina, Karena, Karin, Katalina in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Katarina, Katharine, Katherin, Katherina, Katherine in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Katheryn, Katheryne, Kathrina, Kathrine, Kathryn in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kathryne, Katia, Katina, Katrena, Katrina in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Catherine, Catriona, Karin, Katherine, Kathryn, Katrina outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Asteria, Caparina, Catelinn (see Caitlin), Catrinia (see Catriona), Cherina, Darina, Janerita (see Jane), Kaitrina, Kalena, Kambria, Kameren, Kamerin, Kamrin, Karalina, Kareena, Kareima, Karenna, Karida, Karina, Karine, Karinna, Karisa, Karita, Karmina, Karolina, Karrena, Karrina, Karrine, Karrisa, Karyna, Katelan, Katelinn (see Katelyn), Katelyn, Katelynn, Katharyne (see Catherine), Kathia, Kathirynn, Katiya, Katreena, Katreina, Katrice, Katriel, Katrin, Katrionagh, Kayelin, Kenina, Ketreina, Ketryna, Kevina, Korrina, Kotryna, Lareina, Larina, Lateifa (see Latifah), Laverine, Laverna, Madelina, Matryna, Nerina, Peterina, Petrina, Raelina, Sandrina, Satina, Sherina, Tarina, Taurina, Valeria, Valeriana, Verina, Walterine, Waltrina, Yerina, Zabrina and Zakelina. These names tend to be more commonly used than Katerina.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
