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♀ Kathleen
What does Kathleen mean?
Kathleen ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced kath-LEEN. It is of Irish and Greek origin, and the meaning of Kathleen is "pure". Variant of Katherine. First used outside of Ireland in the 1840s. Actress Kathleen Turner. Also form of Catherine.
VARIANTS Cathaleen, Cathaline, Cathleen▼, Kaitlin▼, Kaitlinn, Katha, Kathaleen, Kathaleya, Kathaleyna, Kathaline, Kathelina, Katheline, Kathleena, Kathlena, Kathlene, Kathleyn, Kathlin, Kathline, Kathlyn, Kathylyne, Kathlynn, Kathyline, Katleen, Katlin▼, Katline, Katlyne
RELATED FORMS VIA KATHERINE Cataleen, Cataleena, Cathee, Catreen, Kataleen, Katalin, Katchen, Katee, Katelle, Katharyn, Kathee, Katherin, Katheryn▼, Kathie▼, Kathileen, Kathirin, Kathiryn, Kathlyne, Kathrene, Kathryn▼, Kathrynn, Katrien
Kathleen Aniyah (K.A.), ..
How popular is Kathleen?
Kathleen is a very popular first name for females (#36 out of 4276, Top 1%) and a slightly less popular surname for both adults and children (#109328 out of 150436, Top 73%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Kathleen reached its apex position of #15 in the U.S. in the 1950s, and is at #894 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Kathleen (#894 A YEAR AGO) are Katherine (#112), Catherine (#204), Kathryn (#453), Cathleen, Kaitlin, Kathaleen, Katharyn, Katherin, Katheryn, Kathie, Kathlene, Kathlyn and Katlin. Other forms, like Katelle, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Kathleen was common among parents 7 decades ago (USAGE OF 2.59%) and is now significantly diminished (USAGE 0.31%, DOWN 88.2%), with versions like Catherine falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Kathleen▼ is pronounced similarly to Cathlene and Kathlinne. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ashleen, Caileen, Caleen, Caraleen (see Caroline), Carileen (see Caroline), Carleen, Catheren, Cathern, Cathyleen (see Catherine), Catleen, Cayleen, Darleen▼, Earleen, Etheleen, Faeleen, Gayleen, Harleen, Jackleen, Jaeleen, Jakleen, Kaelee, Kahle, Kahlei, Kahley, Kaileen, Kaitlan, Kaitlann, Kaitleen, Kaitlyn▼, Kaitlynn▼, Kalee▼, Kaleen, Kaleena, Kalen, Karalee, Karaleen, Karaleena, Kareen, Karleen, Karlein (see Caroline), Karlen, Katalina▲, Katelan, Katelijn, Katelin▼, Kateline, Katelinn (see Katelyn), Katelyn▼, Katelynne, Kathe, Kathey, Kathyleen, Katlaina, Katlyn▼, Katlynne, Katreena, Kaylee, Kayleena, Kaylen▼, Kelleen, Kitlyn, Kolleen, Kyleen, Marleen, Mayleen, Natalee, Nataleen, Nathalee, Natilee, Pauleen, Raeleen, Rayleen and Sasheen. These names tend to be less frequently used than Kathleen.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]