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♀ Katrya
What does Katrya mean?
Katrya as a name for girls is a Greek name, and Katrya means "pure". Katrya is an alternate spelling of Katherine (Greek): from the word katharos.
RELATED FORMS VIA KATHERINE Caryn▼, Cathryn▼, Cathy▼, Cathye, Catina▼, Catrin, Catrina▼, Catryna, Caty, Kaitlyn▼, Kaitrin, Kaity, Karen▼, Karena, Kari▼, Karin▼, Karon▼, Karri▼, Karrin, Karyn▼, Karynn, Kasia, Kasja, Kaska, Kassia, Kasya, Kat, Kata, Katarina▼, Kate▼, Katee, Katell, Katena, Katenka, Katerina▲, Katey, Katha, Katharyn, Kathee, Katheryn▼, Kathi▼, Kathie▼, Kathiryn, Kathrina, Kathryn▼, Kathryne, Kathrynn, Kathy▼, Kati▼, Katica, Katie▼, Katina▼, Katinka, Katka, Katla, Katrena, Katriana, Katriane, Katrien, Katrina▼, Katrine, Katriona, Katryna, Katy▼, Katya, Kay▼, Kaye▼, Kitty▼
Katrya Nathalia (K.N.), ..
How popular is Katrya?
Katrya is a rare first name for females. Katrya is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Katrya (NOT RANKED) are Katherine (#112 FROM RECENT DATA), Kate (#285), Kaitlyn (#387), Katie (#449), Kathryn (#453), Karen (#635), Katerina (#1173), Katrina (#1516), Kari (#1569), Katarina (#1594), Katy (#1790), Katya, Kathrina, Katina, Kay, Kaye, Kati, Kathy, Kathryne, Katrena, Caryn, Kathie, Kathi, Katheryn, Cathryn, Katharyn, Katey, Karyn, Karri, Karon, Karin, Karena, Catrina, Catina, Cathy and Kitty. Other variants, like Katica, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Katrya was common 68 years ago (AVERAGE #1065) and has become much less since (#1665, ▼90%), with versions like Kari falling out of fashion. Katherine is more widely used than the rest, although Katerina seems to be becoming a favorite too. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Katrya is pronounced similarly to Caitria and Kitra. Other recommended sound-alike names are Batya, Darya, Datya, Kaara, Kadiya, Kaeya, Kaira, Kamryn, Kara▼, Karla▼, Karma, Karna, Karra, Karrla, Karry, Karryl, Karryn, Kary, Karyl, Karyna, Karys, Karysa, Katana, Kathia, Kathya, Katia, Katiya, Katlyn▼, Katrin, Katrisa, Katura, Kaya, Ketryna, Ketura, Kirya, Kitara, Kotryna, Latorya, Latoya▼, Marya, Matryna, Natoya, Varya and Zarya. These names tend to be more commonly used than Katrya.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]