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♀ Kaylha
What does Kaylha mean?
Kaylha as a girls' name has the meaning "slim and fair". Kaylha is an alternate spelling of Kayla (Irish, Gaelic): from Caoilainn.
ASSOCIATED WITH fair (beautiful)
VARIANTS Keyla▲, Kaylla, Kaylie▼, Kaylah▼, Kalla, Kalah, Kalae, Kailah, Kailagh, Kaila▼, Kahla, Kaelah, Kaela▼, Kaala, Caylie, Cayla▼, Calla, Cala, Caila, Caihla, Caela
RELATED FORMS VIA KAYLA Kayle▼, Kaylin, Kaylyn▼
Kaylha Amarah (K.A.), ..
How popular is Kaylha?
Kaylha is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Kaylha is an equally uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Kaylha (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000 are Calla (#1686 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Cayla, Caylie, Kaela, Kaila (#1653), Kailah, Kayla (#149), Kaylah, Kayle, Kaylie (#790), Kaylin (#938), Kaylyn (#1740) and Keyla (#764). Other forms, like Kalae, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Kaylha reached its most widespread in the year 1991 (AVERAGE #1136) and has become much less since (#1516, ▼83%), with forms such as Kaela becoming less stylish. Keyla is the most chic girl name among these. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Kaylha is alike in pronunciation to Cayley, Kaeley, Kahlei, Kahley, Kailee, Kailey▼, Kala▼, Kalee▼, Kaley▼, Kalia, Kalley, Kalli▼, Kallie▲, Kaylee, Kayley▼, Kaylley, Kayllie, Keala, Keelia, Keyley, Kylea, Kylee▼, Kyley, Kyli and Quylla. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bayla, Caysha, Dayha, Dayla, Daysha, Gayla▼, Gaylla, Haylea, Jayla, Kahle, Kalle, Kamyla, Karla▼, Karlla, Kasha, Katha, Katla, Kaya, Kayana, Kaylan▼, Kaylen▼, Klea, Kyle▼, Kyrha, Layla▲, Rayla, Tayla▼ and Zaylia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kaylha.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]