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♀ Kendra
What does Kendra mean?
Kendra ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced KEN-drah. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Kendra is "greatest champion". From Cynwrig which also possibly means "high hill". Also possibly from the Gaelic name Mac Eanraig meaning "son of Henry", or the Old English names Ceneric meaning "bold power", and Cyneric meaning "royal power". Also possibly a modern blend of Ken and Sandra or Andrea. See also Keandra.
ASSOCIATED WITH hill (mountain), gaelic, old, bold (brave), power, royal (queen), modern, blend
VARIANTS Kandra, Kena, Kenda, Kendrah, Kendrea, Kendri, Kendria, Kendrie, Kendrya, Keni, Kenia▲, Kenna▲, Kennah, Kenndra, Kenndrea, Kindra, Kinna, Kyndra, Kyndria, Lakendra
RELATIONS VIA ANDREA, KEANDRA, SANDRA Aindrea, Andera, Andra, Andre, Andri, Andria▼, Aondrea, Aundrea, Keandria, Keaundra, Kiandra, Kiandria, Ohndrea, Ohndria, Ondrea, Ondria, Onndrea, Onndria, Sahndra, Sanda, Sandria, Sanndra, Saundra▼, Sohndra, Sondra▼, Sonndra, Zandra
Kendra Chiara (K.C.), ..
How popular is Kendra?
Kendra is a very prominent first name for women (#403 out of 4276, Top 9%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#26419 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Kendra was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its highest rank of #117 in the U.S. in 1990, and is at #497 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Andra, Andre, Andrea (#134 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Andria, Aundrea, Henry, Keandra, Kena, Kenda, Kenia (#821), Kenna (#686), Kindra, Kyndra, Lakendra, Sandra (#975), Saundra, Sondra and Zandra are the popular variation forms of Kendra (#497). These forms of Kendra were popular with parents during the years 1940-1949 (ADOPTION OF 2.06%) and are now significantly less popular (ADOPTION 0.22%, ▼89%), with forms like Sandra becoming less fashionable. Kenia and Kenna are two of the more chic girl names in this list.
Similar Names
Kendra▼ is pronounced similarly to Candra. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cedra, Cyndra, Deadra, Deandra▼, Dedra, Deedra, Deidra▼, Deondra, Fedra, Genara, Jenara, Jenda, Jeondra, Kanara, Keara▼, Keera, Kefira, Keira▼, Kelda, Kendal▼, Kendis, Kendyl▼, Kenina, Kennia, Kennya, Kenya, Kenza, Kera, Kerra, Ketura, Landra, Leandra▼, Lenda, Lenora▼, Leondra, Menora, Neddra, Nedra, Needra, Ondra, Pandra, Tedra, Tundra, Vondra, Wenda, Xandra, Zenda and Zondra. These names tend to be less frequently used than Kendra.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]