Home > Kennah


What does Kennah mean?

Kennah Pronunciation of Kennah as a girls' name is of Welsh derivation, and Kennah means "greatest champion". Kennah is a variant form of Kendra (Welsh).




VARIANTS Kinna, Kenna, Kenia, Keni, Kena

RELATED FORMS VIA KENDRA Kenda, Kendrah, Kendri, Kenndra



Kennah Natalya (K.N.), ..

How popular is Kennah?

Kennah is an unusual first name for females but a somewhat prominent last name for both adults and children (#127948 out of 150436, Top 85%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Popular varying forms of Kennah (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Kena, Kenda, Kendra (#497 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Kenia (#821) and Kenna (#686). Usage of these forms of Kennah reached its most widespread 2 decades ago (USAGE OF 0.16%) and is now significantly lower (USAGE 0.08%, DOWN 50.5%), with the form Kendra becoming less fashionable. Kendra has been the overall favorite, though Kenna has become trendy as well over time. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kena, Kenda, Kendra, Kenia, Kenna in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Kendra outside U.S.

Similar Names

Kennah is pronounced similarly to Canna, Keana, Keanna, Keeana, Keena, Keiana, Kennia, Kennya, Kenya, Keona, Keonna, Kiana, Kianna, Kina, Kiona, Kionah, Kionna, Konnie, Konny and Quenna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Annah, Brennah, Dannah, Denah, Denna, Genna, Hannah, Jannah, Jenna, Jennae, Jennah, Jennay, Keevah, Keilah, Kendahl, Kendal, Kenina, Kenza, Keyne, Keziah, Lannah, Leanah, Leannah, Leenah, Lenah, Lenna, Neenah, Nenna, Nonnah, Peninah, Penna, Reannah, Rennae, Rennay, Sannah, Venna, Wenonah and Zenna. These names tend to be more commonly used than Kennah.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
