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♀ Kesia
What does Kesia mean?
Kesia as a girls' name is of African origin, means "favorite". Also form of Cesia. Also form of Keisha.
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Kosia, ..
(male) Keil, ..
Kesia Palmer (K.P.), ..
How popular is Kesia?
Kesia is an uncommonly occurring first name for women and an equivalently unusual surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent varying form of Kesia (NOT RANKED) is Keisha. Adoption of this form of Kesia reached its highest in the 1970s (#289), but now, Keisha has become somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Kesia is pronounced similarly to Casia, Kaija, Kasia and Quesia. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Kacia, Kasha, Kasi, Kasie▼, Kasja, Kaska, Kassia, Kasya, Kazia, Keasha, Kecia, Keesha, Keicia, Kenia▲, Kesha▼, Keshia▼, Kessie, Kessy, Kevia, Kezia, Keziah▲, Kicia, Kiesha, Kisha▼, Lesia▼ and Tesia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kesia.