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♀ Khrystalle
What does Khrystalle mean?
Khrystalle as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the name Khrystalle means "ice". Khrystalle is an alternate spelling of Krystal (Greek): respelling of Crystal.
VARIANTS Krystalle, Khristalle, Cristalle
RELATIONS VIA KRYSTAL Khristal, Khrystal, Khrystle, Krystabelle, Krystaline, Krystalline, Krystelle, Krystle▼
Khrystalle Lilly (K.L.), ..
How popular is Khrystalle?
Khrystalle is an uncommon first name for females. Khrystalle is an equivalently unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Khrystalle (UNLISTED) listed in the Top 2000 are Krystal (#1403 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Krystle. Other forms, like Khrystle, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Khrystalle was at its peak during 1980-1989 (AVERAGE #157) and is now significantly reduced (#1701, 97% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Krystal becoming less stylish. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Khrystalle is pronounced similarly to Christall, Christalle, Christelle, Chrystal▼, Chrystalle, Chrystele, Chrystelle, Crystall, Kristale, Kristall, Kristelle, Krystale and Krystall. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Chantalle, Christabelle, Christable, Christaine, Christalene, Christalin, Christalyn, Christele, Christell, Christle, Chrysilla, Chrysta, Chrystabel, Chrystalla, Chrystee (see Christina), Chrystie, Chrystle, Chrystol, Cristelle, Crystalyn, Crystle, Khristanna (see Christiana), Khristen, Khristena (see Christina), Khristian, Khristin, Khristine, Khristy, Khristyna, Khrystina (see Khristina), Khrystyn, Khrystyna, Khrystyne, Kirstee, Kirstie▼, Krista▼, Kristal▼, Kristalee, Kristee (see Christy), Kristell, Kristella, Kristiane, Kristianne, Kristie▼, Kristl (see Crystal), Kristle, Krysta▼, Krystalanne (see Crystal), Krystalin, Krysteena, Krystene, Krysti, Krystia, Krystiana, Krystianna, Krystianne (see Christiana), Krystil, Krystina▼, Krystka (see Christina), Krystlelea, Krystyna and Krystyne. These names tend to be more commonly used than Khrystalle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]