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♀ Kimberleigh (girl)
What does Kimberleigh mean?
Kimberleigh as a name for girls (also used as boys' name Kimberleigh) has its root in Old English, and the name Kimberleigh means "Cyneburg's field". Kimberleigh is a variant form of Kimberly (Old English).
VARIANTS Kymberly, Kymberlie, Kymberley, Kymberleigh, Kymberlee, Kimberlyn, Kimberlin, Kimberlie, Kimberli, Kimberley▼, Kimberlee▼
Kimberleigh Bailee (K.B.), ..
How popular is Kimberleigh?
Kimberleigh is an uncommon first name for females. Kimberleigh is an equally rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Kimberlee, Kimberley, Kimberli, Kimberlie, Kimberly (#170 VIA LATEST LIST), Kimberlyn and Kymberly are the popular related forms of Kimberleigh (NOT IN TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Kymberlee, are uncommon. These forms of Kimberleigh reached the peak of their popularity 48 years ago (ADOPTION OF 1.6%) and are now significantly less widespread (ADOPTION 0.1%, ▼94%), with versions like Kimberly becoming less trendy. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Ainsleigh, Amberleight, Annesleigh, Arleigh, Asheleigh, Aubreigh, Carleigh, Ceileigh, Charleigh▲, Chesleigh, Emmaleigh, Fernleigh, Harleigh▲, Hedleigh (see Hadley), Kaeleigh, Kaileigh, Kaleigh▼, Karleigh▲, Kayleigh, Kaylleigh, Kelbeigh (see Kelby), Kelleigh, Kelseigh, Kempleigh (see Kempley), Kimber▲, Kyleigh, Lesleigh, Marleigh▲, Rileigh▼, Shirleigh, Tereigh, Terreigh (see Terry) and Tierneigh. These names tend to be more commonly used than Kimberleigh.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]