Home > Kinna


What does Kinna mean?

Kinna Pronunciation of Kinna as a name for girls is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of the name Kinna is "greatest champion". Kinna is a version of Kendra (Welsh).




VARIANTS Kennah, Kenna, Kenia, Keni, Kena

RELATED FORMS VIA KENDRA Kandra, Kenda, Kenndra, Kindra, Kyndra

(female) Kinka, ..

(male) Kinka, ..

Kinna Ariela (K.A.), ..

How popular is Kinna?

Kinna is a rare given name for females but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#74957 out of 150436, Top 50%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Popular alternative forms of Kinna (NOT RANKED) are Kendra (#497 VIA LATEST LIST), Kenna (#686), Kenia (#821), Kena, Kenda, Kindra and Kyndra. These forms of Kinna reached the apex of their popularity in the year 1994 (USAGE OF 0.2%) and are now much less widespread (USAGE 0.1%, 53.1%), with the form Kendra falling out of fashion. Kenna and Kenia are two of the more fashionable girl names here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kena, Kenda, Kendra, Kenia, Kenna in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kindra, Kyndra in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Kendra outside U.S.

Similar Names

Kinna is pronounced similarly to Canna, Chianna, Conni, Conny, Kani, Kayana, Keana, Keanna, Keeana, Keiana, Kennia, Kennya, Kenya, Keona, Kiahna, Kianna, Kianni, Kina, Kionah, Kioni, Kionna, Konnie, Konny, Quenna and Quiana. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bina, Ciana, Danna, Diana, Dianna, Dina, Diona, Dionna, Donna, Eitna, Giana, Gianna, Gina, Ginna, Guinna, Hinna, Jiana, Jianna, Jina, Jinna, Karna, Kenza, Kiara, Kicia, Kiera, Kilea, Kimana, Kimba, Kine, Kineta, Kira, Kitra, Linna, Lonna, Lynna, Minna, Nanna, Nina, Nonna, Riana, Rianna, Rina, Riona, Ronna, Sienna, Vanna, Viona, Wanna, Wina and Yionna. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kinna.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
