Home > Kody

Kody (girl)

What does Kody mean?

Kody Pronunciation of Kody as a girls' name (also used more commonly as boys' name Kody) has the meaning "helper". Kody is a variant form of Cody (Irish, Gaelic).



VARIANTS Kodie, Kodey, Kodee, Codie, Codi, Codey, Codee, Coady



Kody Aurelia (K.A.), ..

How popular is Kody?

Kody is an uncommon first name for women but a very popular surname for all people (#72237 out of 150436, Top 48%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Codi, Codie and Cody are the prominent related forms of Kody (NOT IN TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Kodey, are uncommon. These relations of Kody reached the height of their popularity 3 decades ago (MEDIAN #1205). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Codi, Codie, Cody in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Kody and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Kody is alike in pronunciation to Caddy, Cadey, Cadi, Cady, Cadye, Kadee, Kadi, Kadia, Kadie, Kadiya, Kady, Kaydi and Kodi. Other recommended sound-alike names are Addy, Ady, Andy, Cordy, Dody, Eddy, Edy, Elody, Goldy, Hedy, Jady, Jody, Judy, Kacy, Kade, Kaly, Kandy, Kary, Kasy, Katy, Kay, Kimy, Konny, Kora, Kore, Korey, Kori, Korry, Kory, Koryn, Lady, Mady, Nady and Rhody. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kody.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
