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♀ Krystelle
What does Krystelle mean?
Krystelle as a name for girls is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Krystelle is "ice". Krystelle is an alternate form of Crystal (Greek): from "krystallos". Krystelle is also a variant of Krystal (Greek).
VARIANTS Krystyl, Krystol, Krystlelea, Krystle▼, Krystl, Krystil, Krystel, Krystall, Krystale, Kristol, Kristle, Kristl, Kristelle, Kristell, Kristel, Kristall, Kristale, Kristal▼, Khrystal, Khristel, Khristal, Crystle, Crystell, Crystel, Crystall, Cristel, Cristal▼, Chrystol, Chrystele, Chrystel, Chrystal▼, Christyl, Christol, Christl, Christelle, Christell, Christele, Christel, Christall, Christal▼
RELATED FORMS VIA CRYSTAL, KRYSTAL Chrystalle, Cristalle, Cristella, Khristalle, Khrystalle, Khrystle, Kristabelle, Kristalee, Kristella, Krystabelle, Krystaleen, Krystalin, Krystaline, Krystalle, Krystalline, Krystlea
Krystelle Aubrie (K.A.), ..
How popular is Krystelle?
Krystelle is a rare given name for females. Krystelle is also a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Krystelle (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000 are Crystal (#717 FROM RECENT DATA), Krystal (#1403), Christal, Christel, Chrystal, Cristal, Crystle, Kristal, Kristel, Kristle and Krystle. These relations of Krystelle reached the height of their popularity 4 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 1.2%) and are now significantly less widespread, with forms such as Cristal becoming somewhat dated. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Krystelle is pronounced similarly to Chrystelle and Cristelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aristella, Aristelle, Brynelle, Crystene, Estelle▼, Griselle, Gryselde (see Griselda), Katelle, Khrystyne, Kirstee, Kristaine, Kristaline, Kristalyn, Kristee (see Christy), Kristeen, Kristeena, Kristen▼, Kristena, Kristene, Kristey, Kristiane, Kristie▼, Kristienne, Kristine▼, Kristyne, Krysta▼, Krystah, Krystalanne (see Crystal), Krystalina, Krystalyn, Krystee, Krysteena, Krysten▼, Krystene, Krysti, Krystia, Krystiana, Krystianne (see Christiana), Krystie, Krystin▼, Krystina▼, Krystine, Krystka (see Christina), Krysty, Krystyn, Krystyna, Krystyne, Krystynn, Winstelle and Wynstelle. These names tend to be more frequently used than Krystelle.