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♀ Kylen (girl)
What does Kylen mean?
Kylen as a name for girls (also used more generally as boys' name Kylen) is a variant form of Kylie: possibly (English) "boomerang".
VARIANTS Kylin, Kylianne, Kylene, Kyleen
RELATIONS VIA KYLIE Kilea, Kiley▼, Kyla, Kylah▲, Kylea, Kylee▼, Kyleigh, Kyley, Kyli
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Kilen, ..
(male) Kymer, ..
Kylen Audra (K.A.), ..
How popular is Kylen?
Kylen is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Kylen is an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Kylie (#124 A YEAR AGO), Kyla (#438), Kylee (#447), Kyleigh (#663), Kylah (#1174), Kiley (#1525), Kylene and Kyli are the prominent related forms of Kylen (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Kilea, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Kylen was common in the year 2004 (MEDIAN #766) and has become significantly less since (#1046, ▼57%), with forms such as Kiley falling out of fashion. Kylah is the most chic girl name in this compilation. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Kylen is alike in pronunciation to Caleen, Calin, Calyn, Kaelin▼, Kaelyn▼, Kailan, Kaileen, Kailin, Kailyn, Kaleen, Kalin, Kalynn, Kayelyn, Kaylan▼, Kaylin, Kaylyn▼, Kaylynn, Keelin, Kellan, Kelleen, Kellen, Kolleen, Kyleen, Kylene and Kylin. Other recommended sound-alike names are Arlen, Ayden▼, Ayleen▲, Belen▲, Elen, Ellen▼, Galen, Gaylen (see Gayle), Glen, Helen▼, Kalea, Kalee▼, Kalei, Kalena, Kaley▼, Karen▼, Karlen, Kayle▼, Kaylea, Kaylee, Kaylei, Kayley▼, Keren, Keyley, Kilea, Kilee, Kiley▼, Klea, Koren, Kyel, Kyla, Kylah▲, Kyle▼, Kylea, Kylee▼, Kyley, Kyli, Kylie, Kyrene, Myleen, Nolen, Ryen and Valen. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kylen.