Home > Laetitia


What does Laetitia mean?

Laetitia Pronunciation of Laetitia as a name for girls is a Latin name, and the name Laetitia means "joy". Laetitia is an alternate spelling of Letitia (Latin): Latin variation of the name. See also Tia




VARIANT Lettitia

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA LETITIA Laetizia, Latia, Latisha, Leticia, Leticja, Letisha, Letizia, Letta, Lettie



Laetitia Kinsleigh (L.K.), ..

How popular is Laetitia?

Laetitia is a rare first name for females. Laetitia is a unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Latia, Latisha, Leticia (#1627 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Letisha, Letitia, Letta, Lettie (#1792) and Tia (#1423) are the prominent varying forms of Laetitia (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Lettitia, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Laetitia was more pronounced among parents during the years 1980-1989 (ADOPTION OF 0.2%) and is now significantly diminished, with versions such as Leticia becoming less fashionable. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Latia, Latisha, Leticia, Letisha, Letitia in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Letta, Lettie, Tia in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Tia outside U.S.

Similar Names

Laetitia is pronounced similarly to Laticia, Latitia and Letticia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Kanticia, Kantisia (see Candice), Laanita (see Anita), Lacretia, Laketia, Lakicia, Lakitia, Lalita, Lanetta, Lanita, Laquita, Larentia, Laretta, Larita, Latania, Latavia, Latifa, Latiffa, Latina, Latoia, Latonia, Latoria, Latricia, Lauricia, Laurita, Lavetta, Lavinia, Leitha, Leithia, Lenita, Lethia, Levinia, Malitia, Martita, Mattia, Melitia, Nettia, Tanitia and Venitia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Laetitia.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
