Home > Laicey


What does Laicey mean?

Laicey Pronunciation of Laicey as a girls' name is of Old French origin. Laicey is a version of Lacey (Old French).



VARIANTS Laisey, Laicee, Lacy, Laci, Lacee

RELATIONS VIA LACEY Lace, Lacene, Lacie, Laycie



Laicey Irene (L.I.), ..

How popular is Laicey?

Laicey is an unusual given name for women. Laicey is an unusual surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Laicey (NOT RANKED) are Lacey (#650 VIA LATEST LIST), Lacy (#1870), Lacee, Laci and Lacie. Other forms, like Laicee, are uncommon. These relations of Laicey were at the height of their popularity in the 1980s (ADOPTION OF 0.2%) and are now much less widespread, with versions like Lacie falling out of fashion. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lacee, Lacey, Laci, Lacie, Lacy in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Lacey outside U.S.

Similar Names

Laicey is pronounced similarly to Lacee, Lacey, Laci, Lacie, Lacy, Laicee, Laisey, Lassey, Laycie, Leecea, Lissy, Lizy, Lizzy and Lucy. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bailey, Cacey, Cailey, Caisey, Caitey, Caycey (see Casey), Dacey, Daicee (see Dacey), Daicy, Daisey, Darcey, Fancey, Hailey, Jacey, Jaicee, Jaimey, Kacey, Kailey, Kaitey, Kascey, Kaycey, Lace, Lacoya, Ladey, Laidey, Laidy, Laiken, Laily, Laine, Lainey, Lake, Laney, Lanice, Layney, Leece, Licha, Licia, Lies, Lise, Lize, Loise, Loyce, Luce, Luise, Macey, Maicey, Maicy, Maisey, Marcey, Nancey, Railey, Rainey, Saidey, Tacey and Yancey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Laicey.
