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♀ Lakiesha
What does Lakiesha mean?
Lakiesha as a girls' name is an alternate form of Lakeisha.
VARIANTS Lekisha, Lekeisha, Lekeesha, Laquisha, Lakisha▼, Lakeysha, Lakeshia▼, Lakesha▼, Lakeesha
OTHER FORMS VIA LAKEISHA Lakecia, Laketia, Lakicia, Lakitia
Lakiesha Miyah (L.M.), ..
How popular is Lakiesha?
Lakiesha is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#3122 out of 4276, Top 73%) but an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lakiesha was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its top position of #1432 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Lakeesha, Lakeisha, Lakesha, Lakeshia, Lakeysha, Lakisha and Laquisha are the popular varying forms of Lakiesha appearing in the Top 2000. These relations of Lakiesha were at the height of their popularity during 1970-1979 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%).
Similar Names
Lakiesha is alike in pronunciation to Lakecia, Lakeesha, Lakeisha▼, Lakesha▼, Lakeshia▼, Laketia, Lakeysha, Lakicia, Lakisha▼, Lakitia, Laquesha, Laquisha, Lekeesha, Lekeisha and Lekisha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aiesha, Arniesha (see Arnelle), Camesha, Dalisha, Daniesha, Falisha, Jakeisha, Jakisha, Jamesha, Jamiesha, Kadesha, Kadisha, Kaleesha, Kalisha, Kamesha, Kaneesha, Kanesha▼, Kanisha▼, Karisha, Karlesha, Kiesha, Lacresha, Lacreshia, Lacrisha, Lakia, Lakreesha, Lakrisha, Lanisha, Laporsha, Laretha, Larisa, Larisha, Latasha▼, Lateisha, Lauretha, Leesha, Leisha, Lesha, Letisha, Liesa, Lisha, Lucresha, Maisha, Malisha, Miesha, Myiesha, Nakeisha, Nakisha, Nareesha, Natisha, Niesha, Ranisha, Raynesha, Saisha, Taisha, Takisha, Tamisha, Tanisha▼, Toniesha and Vaniessa (see Vanessa). These names tend to be less frequently used than Lakiesha.