Home > Laliah


What does Laliah mean?

Laliah Pronunciation of Laliah as a name for girls is of Arabic origin, and the name Laliah means "night beauty". Laliah is a version of Laila (Arabic): see Leila.


ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, night (black), beauty


VARIANTS Laylah, Layla, Laleh, Laily, Lailie, Laela



Laliah Dalia (L.D.), ..

How popular is Laliah?

Laliah is a rare first name for females. Laliah is an equally unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Laela, Laila (#182 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Layla (#27) and Laylah (#781) are the prominent alternative forms of Laliah (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Laily, are uncommon. These forms of Laliah were at the peak of their popularity 7 years ago (MEDIAN #712) and have remained as common to this day (#747, 0.2%). Layla is the longstanding favorite, though Laila has grown popular as well. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Laela, Laila, Layla, Laylah in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Laila, Layla outside U.S.

Similar Names

Laliah is pronounced similarly to Lala, Lali, Lalia, Lalla, Lallia, Lallie, Lally, Leala, Lealia, Lealie, Lela, Lelah, Lelia, Lellia, Lila, Lili, Lilia, Lilie, Lilla, Lillia, Loelia, Lolla, Lula, Lyla and Lylah. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aaliyah, Aliah, Alliah, Dalia, Daliah, Daliyah, Dalyah, Datiah (see Datya), Galia, Galilah, Giliah, Halah, Halia, Halimah, Haniah, Jaliyah, Kalah, Kaleah, Kalia, Kalilah, Lakia, Lal, Lalika, Lalita, Lanah, Lannah, Latia, Latifah, Lilian, Lilias, Lilith, Maiah, Malcah, Maleah, Malia, Malkah, Mariah, Peliah, Rabiah, Raziah, Salimah, Salmah, Sariah, Taleah, Talia, Taliah, Talmah, Zakiah, Zalia and Zariah. These names tend to be more frequently used than Laliah.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
