Home > Lamonica


What does Lamonica mean?

Lamonica Pronunciation of Lamonica as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of the name Lamonica is "advisor". Lamonica is a variant form of Monica (Latin): of uncertain origin.





Lamonica Ashlynn (L.A.), ..

How popular is Lamonica?

Lamonica is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#4143 out of 4276, Top 97%) and an even more prominent surname for both adults and children (#12162 out of 150436, Top 8%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Lamonica was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its peak position of #1578 in the U.S. then, but is not ranked currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lamonica name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Lamonica outside U.S.

Which version is better?

The only other prominent varying form of Lamonica is Monica (#608 FROM CURRENT RECORDS). Adoption of these forms of Lamonica reached its most widespread during 1970-1979 (ADOPTION OF 0.4%) and is now much reduced.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lamonica, Monica in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Monica outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Danica, Dannica, Domenica, Dominica, Donica, Hamania, Harmonia, Jamaica, Janica, Laanita (see Anita), Lacoria, Ladonna, Ladonya, Lanice, Lanika, Lanita, Laranca (see Laura), Laronda, Latania, Latoia, Latona, Latonia, Latonya, Latoria, Laudonia, Lavenia, Lavinia, Lavonda, Lavonna, Leonia, Ludovica, Luminosa, Ramona, Ramonda, Ramonita, Ramonna (see Ramona), Romonia, Ronica, Simonia, Simonina, Tamica, Tonica, Valonia and Veronica. These names tend to be less frequently used than Lamonica.
