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♀ Lanice
What does Lanice mean?
Lanice as a girls' name. Possibly influenced by the Arabic name Aisha meaning "alive and well".
Lanice Zoie (L.Z.), ..
How popular is Lanice?
Lanice is an uncommonly occurring given name for women and also an unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent related form of Lanice (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Aisha (#523 A YEAR AGO). This relation of Lanice was at the height of its popularity in the year 2015 and has remained as common to this day. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Lanice is pronounced similarly to Laniece, Lenice, Lenis and Lennice. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alanice, Anice, Annice, Arnice, Branice, Candice▼, Chanice, Danica▼, Danice, Danie, Danise, Darice, Denice▼, Ernice, Eunice▼, Janica, Janice▼, Janie▼, Janiece, Janine▼, Janise, Jannice, Janyce, Jeanice, Jenice, Kandice▼, Lace, Lacie▼, Laicee, Laicey, Laine, Lanae, Lane, Lani, Lanie, Lanika, Lanisha, Lanita, Lannie, Larine, Latrice▼, Laurice, Letice, Linsie, Linzee, Lonie▼, Lynzee, Lynzie, Marice, Nance, Nanice, Nanine, Narice, Ranice, Ranite, Shanice▼, Unice, Vaniece, Venice and Yanick. These names tend to be more commonly used than Lanice.