Home > Lauraine


What does Lauraine mean?

Lauraine Pronunciation of Lauraine as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of the name Lauraine is "the bay, or laurel plant". Lauraine is an alternate form of Laura (Latin).




VARIANTS Lorine, Lorene, Loren, Loreen, Laurine, Laurianne, Lauriane, Laurene, Lauren, Laureen

RELATED FORMS VIA LAURA Lauralee, Laurana, Laure, Laurena, Laurence, Laurentine, Laurestine, Laurette, Lauri, Laurice, Laurie, Laurina, Laurinda, Laurita, Laurnea



Lauraine Yvette (L.Y.), ..

How popular is Lauraine?

Lauraine is an unusual given name for women. Lauraine is an uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Lauraine (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Lauren (#171 IN 2018), Laura (#340), Loren (#1932), Laurice, Lorene, Loreen, Laurine, Laurinda, Laurie, Lauri, Lauralee, Laurette, Laurene, Laurence, Laurena, Laureen, Laure and Lorine. Adoption of these forms of Lauraine was at its apex in the 1980s (ADOPTION OF 1.69%) and is now much lower (ADOPTION 0.16%, 90%), with versions such as Lauren becoming somewhat outmoded. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Laura, Lauralee, Laure, Laureen, Lauren in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Laurena, Laurence, Laurene, Laurette, Lauri in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Laurice, Laurie, Laurinda, Laurine, Loreen in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Loren, Lorene, Lorine in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Laura, Lauren outside U.S.

Similar Names

Lauraine is alike in pronunciation to Laraene, Laraine, Larayne, Lareine, Larine, Larraine, Laurenne, Laurin, Laurraine, Lauryn, Laurynn, Leraine, Lerayne, Loirane, Lorain, Loraine, Lorayne, Lorraine and Lorrayne. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Azurine, Carine, Carmaine, Carmine, Carrine, Darline, Earline, Faustine, Igraine, Jalaine, Jamaine, Jasmaine, Jeraine, Julaine, Kalaine, Karaina, Karaline, Karline, Karrine, Katrine, Larae, Laren, Larina, Larrayna, Larreina, Larren, Larsina (see Lauren), Laryn, Laural, Lauralle (see Laurel), Laurelie, Laurelle, Lauriel, Loraina, Loranna, Loreene, Lorin, Lorne, Lorraina, Lorrina, Louanne, Louisine, Luanne, Lucine, Lurline, Maraline, Marcine, Marine, Maurene, Maurianne, Narine, Nurine, Pauline, Raelaine, Ygraine and Zuraide. These names tend to be more commonly used than Lauraine.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
