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♀ Lauriane
What does Lauriane mean?
Lauriane as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and Lauriane means "the bay, or laurel plant". Lauriane is an alternate form of Laura (Latin).
VARIANTS Lorine▼, Lorene▼, Loren▼, Loreen, Laurine, Laurianne, Laurene, Lauren▼, Laureen▼, Lauraine
RELATIONS VIA LAURA Lauralee, Laurana, Laure, Laurena, Laurence, Laurette, Lauri▼, Laurice, Lauricia, Laurie▼, Laurina, Laurinda, Laurita, Laurnea
Lauriane Loyalty (L.L.), ..
How popular is Lauriane?
Lauriane is an unusual given name for women. Lauriane is an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Laura (#340 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Lauralee, Laure, Laureen, Lauren (#171), Laurena, Laurence, Laurene, Laurette, Lauri, Laurice, Laurie, Laurinda, Laurine, Loreen, Loren (#1932), Lorene and Lorine are the popular alternative forms of Lauriane (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of these relations of Lauriane was well-received among parents during 1980-1989 (USAGE OF 1.7%) and is now much lower (USAGE 0.2%, ▼90%). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Lauriane is pronounced similarly to Laraene, Laraine▼, Larayne, Lareine, Larine, Larraine, Laurenne, Laurin, Laurraine, Lauryn▼, Laurynn, Loirane, Lorian, Loriann and Lorianne. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adriane▼, Ariane, Auriana, Cariana, Carinne, Carrine, Catrine, Cipriane, Claudiane (see Claudia), Damiane, Darian▼, Daviane, Floriane, Gloriane, Hadriana, Hadriane, Juliane, Kariana, Kariann, Karianne, Karinne, Katriane, Laramae, Laren, Larena, Larina, Larrayna, Larreina, Larren, Larryn, Larrynn, Larsine, Laryn, Lauralle (see Laurel), Laurelie, Laurelle, Laverine, Lilliane, Loraine▼, Lorayne, Loriana, Lorin, Lorne, Lorraine▼, Lorrina, Louisiane, Lowran, Luane, Luciana▲, Lusine, Marciane, Mariane, Marianne▼, Marlane, Maurene, Maurine▼, Nurine, Oriane, Pauline▼ and Sarine. These names tend to be more commonly used than Lauriane.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]