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♀ Laurita
What does Laurita mean?
Laurita as a name for girls is of Latin origin, and the meaning of the name Laurita is "the bay, or laurel plant". Laurita is an alternate spelling of Laura (Latin).
VARIANTS Lorretta, Lorita, Loretta▼, Lauretta▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA LAURA Larea, Lari, Lauraine, Laurana, Laure, Laureen▼, Laurel, Laurella, Lauren▼, Laurena, Laurene, Laurentia, Lauretha, Laurette, Lauri▼, Lauriane, Laurice, Lauricia, Laurie▼, Laurina, Laurinda, Laurine, Laurnea, Lavra, Lawra
Laurita Noel (L.N.), ..
How popular is Laurita?
Laurita is an uncommon given name for females but a very popular last name for all people (#48665 out of 150436, Top 32%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Laurita (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Laura (#340 FROM RECENT DATA), Laure, Laureen, Laurel (#623), Lauren (#171), Laurena, Laurene, Lauretta, Laurette, Lauri, Laurice, Laurie, Laurinda, Laurine, Loretta (#1085), Lorita and Lorretta. Usage of these forms of Laurita reached its most widespread during the years 1980-1989 (MEDIAN #1493) and has become much lower since (#1659, 88.5% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Loretta becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Laurita is alike in pronunciation to Laretta, Larita, Larretta and Loreta. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aurita, Carita, Karita, Laanita (see Anita), Lalita, Lanita, Laquita▼, Laretha, Larina, Larisa, Lauriel, Laurin, Leerit (see Lirit), Liorit, Lirit, Lucita, Lulita, Lupita, Lusita, Luzita, Marita, Maurisa, Maurita, Paulita, Sarita, Taurina and Zarita. These names tend to be more frequently used than Laurita.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]