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♀ Leah
What does Leah mean?
Leah ▲ as a girls' name is pronounced LAY-ah, LEE-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Leah is "delicate; weary". Biblical: Jacob's first wife, the mother of Dinah and six of Jacob's twelve sons. The name was revived by the Puritans. Hawaiian mythology: Lea is the goddess of canoe makers. The fictional Princess Leia of "Star Wars" fame has made Leia familiar as a given name. Actress Lea Thompson.
ASSOCIATED WITH delicate (gentle), biblical, puritans, mythology, goddess, fictional (literary), princess, star, wars (battle)
VARIANTS Lea▲, Lee▼, Leia▲, Leigh▼, Lia▲
Leah Arabelle (L.A.), ..
How popular is Leah?
Leah is a very prominent first name for women (#270 out of 4276, Top 6%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#69636 out of 150436, Top 46%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Leah reached its highest position of #24 in the U.S. in 2010, and is at #41 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Leah (#41 FROM RECENT DATA) rated in the Top 2000 are Lea (#708), Lee, Leia (#296), Leigh and Lia (#246). These forms of Leah were at the top of their popularity 7 years ago (AVERAGE #957) and have remained as popular to this day (#881, ▲0.5%), but with forms such as Leigh becoming less trendy. Leah has generally been the top pick of parents, though Lia has become trendy as well.
Similar Names
Leah▲ is alike in pronunciation to La-, Leeya, Leya, Liya, Lou▼ and Lu▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adah▼, Alah, Aleah▲, Avah▲, Beah, Breah, Dejah▼, Denah, Elah, Evah, Inah, Kiah, Lal, Lanah, Leala, Lean, Leana, Leanah, Leann▼, Leasa, Leda, Ledah, Leelah, Leenah, Leilah▲, Leith, Lela▼, Lelah▼, Lena▼, Lenae, Lenah, Lenai, Lene, Leni, Leorah, Lesha, Lesy, Leta▼, Letha▼, Lethe, Lexa, Lexi▲, Lexy, Lidah, Lilah▲, Linah, Lorah, Lubah, Lydah, Lylah▲, Lynah, Merah, Miah▲, Niah, Nyah▼, Orah, Perah, Serah, Terah and Unah. These names tend to be less frequently used than Leah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]