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♀ Leanna
What does Leanna mean?
Leanna as a girls' name is pronounced lee-AN-a, lee-AHN-ah. It is of English origin. Possibly derived from an Irish Gaelic form of Helen; most likely a blend of Lee and Anna. In Latin, the word "leana" means "lioness", and thus the name may be a feminine variant of Leo or Leon. See also Liana. Country-western singer Leann Rimes. Also form of Aileen.
VARIANTS Leana, Leann▼, Leanne▼, Leeann▼, Leeanne, Leianne, Leyanne, Leighanna, Leighanne, Lianne
RELATED FORMS VIA ANNA, HELEN, LEE, LIANA Elaina▲, Elana, Hania, Helaina, Helana, Helena, Helenna, Ileana, Jelena, Lana▲, Lea▲, Lean, Leanora, Leiana, Lena▼, Leni, Leonara, Leonora▼, Leora▼, Liahna, Liane, Liann, Lianna▲, Lina, Yelena
Leanna Saniya (L.S.), ..
How popular is Leanna?
Leanna is a very popular first name for females (#914 out of 4276, Top 21%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#61376 out of 150436, Top 41%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Leanna reached its apex rank of #389 in the U.S. in 1990, and is at #827 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Leanna (#827 IN 2018) ranked in the Top 2000 are Aileen (#669), Anna (#54), Elaina (#272), Elana (#1581), Helen (#413), Helena (#458), Ileana (#1928), Lana (#360), Lea (#708), Leana, Leann, Leanne, Leanora, Lee, Leeann, Leeanne, Lena (#301), Leo, Leon, Leonora, Leora (#1680), Liana (#486), Liane, Lianna (#1102), Lianne and Lina (#760). Other forms, like Liann, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Leanna was well-received during the years 1910-1919 (ADOPTION OF 5%) and is now much lower (ADOPTION 0.7%, ▼86%), with forms like Leeann becoming less fashionable. The more fashionable birth names here are Elaina, Lana, Lea, Liana and Lianna.
Similar Names
Leanna is alike in pronunciation to Lanai, Laney, Lani, Lanie, Lanna, Lannah, Lannie, Leiana, Lena▼, Lenah, Lenna▼, Leonie, Lewana, Lewanna, Lianna▲, Liannah, Linna, Lona▼, Lonna, Luanna, Luannah, Luna▲, Lynea, Lynnae and Lynnea. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ayanna▼, Channa, Cianna▼, Danna, Deanda, Deeanna, Denna, Dhanna, Eanna, Elanna, Eleanna, Ileanna, Ioanna, Ivanna▲, Janna▼, Jeana▼, Jeanina, Jeanne▼, Jenna▼, Keana▼, Keanna▼, Kianna▼, Laine, Leasa, Ledonna, Lenda, Levina, Levona, Lexann, Lexina, Liahne, Liane, Livanna, Louanne, Luann▼, Lynn▼, Nanna, Reanna▼, Rexanna, Roanna, Ryanna, Sanna, Seana, Shanna▼, Sianna, Texanna (see Texana), Vanna, Yanna, Yoanna and Ysanna. These names tend to be less frequently used than Leanna.