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♀ Leecia
What does Leecia mean?
Leecia as a girls' name is of Latin derivation, and the name Leecia means "from Lycia". Leecia is an alternate spelling of Licia (Latin): in ancient times.
RELATIONS VIA LICIA Leecea, Leesha, Lesia▼, Lisia
Leecia Karley (L.K.), ..
How popular is Leecia?
Leecia is an unusual first name for females. Leecia is an unusual last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Lesia is the only popular alternative form of Leecia (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Leecea, are uncommon. This relation of Leecia was at the apex of its popularity 58 years ago, but now, Lesia has fallen out of fashion. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Leecia is pronounced similarly to Lecia, Leisha, Lesha, Licha, Lucia▲, Lucza and Lycia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alecia▼, Aleecia, Amecia, Benecia, Crecia, Decia, Deelia, Geenia, Kecia, Keelia, Keicia, Laci▼, Lacie▼, Lakecia, Lakia, Laycie, Lealia, Leasa, Lecrecia, Leece, Leela▲, Leelia, Leena▲, Leeona, Leeora, Leerit (see Lirit), Leesa, Leese, Leeta, Leeya, Leeza, Leia▲, Leisa▼, Lelia▼, Lellia, Leonia, Lesya, Lethia, Leticia▼, Levenia, Lexa, Lexi▲, Lexia, Lexie, Lexya, Liesa, Liesja, Ligia, Loelia, Luci, Lucie, Lusca, Lygia, Meeca, Meelia, Mercia, Neecia, Needia, Neelia, Precia, Seelia, Seeria, Tercia, Veenia, Venecia, Xeenia and Zeenia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Leecia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]