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♀ Lekeisha
What does Lekeisha mean?
Lekeisha as a girls' name is a variant form of Lakeisha.
VARIANTS Lekisha, Lekeesha, Laquisha, Lakisha▼, Lakiesha, Lakeysha, Lakeshia▼, Lakesha▼, Lakeesha
Lekeisha Jaylynn (L.J.), ..
How popular is Lekeisha?
Lekeisha is an unusual first name for women. Lekeisha is an equally uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Lakeesha, Lakeisha, Lakesha, Lakeshia, Lakeysha, Lakiesha, Lakisha and Laquisha are the popular alternative forms of Lekeisha (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Lekeisha was more pronounced among parents 5 decades ago (MEDIAN #1056), but now, forms like Lakeshia have become less in vogue. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Lekeisha is alike in pronunciation to Lakeesha, Lakeisha▼, Lakesha▼, Lakeshia▼, Lakeysha, Lakiesha, Lakisha▼, Laquisha, Lekeesha and Lekisha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aeesha, Aeisha, Aleisha, Ayeisha, Bernisha, Delisha, Demeisha, Deneisha, Denesha, Denisha▼, Eleisha, Felisha▼, Ieesha, Jakeisha, Jakisha, Jameisha, Kaneisha, Keesha, Keisha▼, Kenisha▼, Lacrisha, Lakecia, Lakicia, Lakreesha, Lakrisha, Lanesha, Lanisha, Laquesha, Larisha, Lateisha, Latesha, Latisha▼, Latrisha, Leesa, Leesha, Leisa▼, Leisha, Leitha, Lerissa, Lesha, Letisha, Lettisha, Lexis▼, Lisha, Lucreisha (see Lucretia), Markeisha, Melisha, Mellisha, Menemsha, Myeisha, Nakeisha, Nakisha, Neesha, Reneisha, Renisha, Takisha, Teisha, Telisha, Teneesha, Tenesha, Tenisha, Venesha, Venisha, Vernisha and Yeesha. These names tend to be more frequently used than Lekeisha.