Home > Leni


What does Leni mean?

Leni Pronunciation of Leni as a girls' name has its root in Greek, and the meaning of the name Leni is "sun ray". Leni is a German form of Helen (Greek): linked to Greek hêlios "sun".




VARIANTS Lina, Lena, Leana, Lana

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA HELEN Alena, Alene, Elena, Eleni, Helia, Ilene, Ili, Lean, Lenore, Leora, Lienor, Nell



Leni Makayla (L.M.), ..

How popular is Leni?

Leni is an unusual first name for females. Leni is also an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Leni (UNLISTED) are Elena (#66 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Lena (#301), Lana (#360), Helen (#413), Alena (#736), Lina (#760), Leora (#1680), Eleni (#1726), Alene, Ilene, Leana, Lenore and Nell. Adoption of these relations of Leni reached its apex 108 years ago (ADOPTION OF 3.5%) and is now significantly diminished (ADOPTION 0.4%, 87.5%), with forms such as Helen becoming somewhat outmoded. Helen has generally been preferred by parents, though Elena has become popular as well over time. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alena, Alene, Elena, Eleni, Helen in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ilene, Lana, Leana, Lena, Lenore in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Leora, Lina, Nell in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Elena, Lena, Lina outside U.S.

Similar Names

Leni is pronounced similarly to Lanah, Lanie, Leanah, Leanna, Leena, Leenah, Leeona, Leiana, Lenah, Lenya, Leona, Leonie, Leyna, Liana, Linah, Linna, Lona, Lonee, Loni, Lonnie, Luna, Lyna, Lynae, Lynea and Lynna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Berni, Deni, Denni, Genni, Jeni, Joni, Kani, Keni, Lali, Lane, Lari, Leann, Leda, Lee, Leia, Lela, Lelia, Lenda, Lene, Lenice, Lenis, Lenita, Lenor, Leone, Lesli, Lesy, Leta, Lexa, Lexi, Lexie, Lexis, Lexy, Lin, Lindi, Linn, Linzi, Lori, Luci, Lyn, Lyndi, Lynn, Lynzi, Nani, Noni, Oni, Roni, Tani, Toni, Xeni and Zuni. These names tend to be more commonly used than Leni.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
