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♀ Leonda
What does Leonda mean?
Leonda as a girls' name has its root in Latin, and the meaning of the name Leonda is "lion". Leonda is an alternate form of Leonie (Latin).
RELATIONS VIA LEONIE Leondra, Leondrea, Leone▼, Leonela, Leoni, Leonine
Leonda Miyah (L.M.), ..
How popular is Leonda?
Leonda is an uncommon given name for females. Leonda is also a unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Leone and Leonie are the prominent variation forms of Leonda (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Leonda were favored by parents a century ago (ADOPTION OF 0.03%), but now, the form Leone has become less in vogue. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Leonda is pronounced similarly to Lawanda▼, Leanda, Lenda, Linda▼, Lindi, Lindy▼, Luanda, Lundy, Lynda▼, Lyndi, Lyndy and Lynnda. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Beonca, Breonda, Chonda, Deanda, Deona, Deondra, Deonna, Geonna, Jenda, Jeondra, Kenda, Keona, Keonna, Laronda, Lavonda, Leana, Leandra▼, Leanna, Leanza, Leda, Ledonna, Leena▲, Leeona, Leida, Leina, Lena▼, Leneta, Lenita, Lenna▼, Lenya, Leoda, Leola▼, Leona▼, Leonara, Leonarda, Leonia, Leonor, Leonora▼, Leora▼, Leota▼, Leowna, Levona, Levonda, Leyda, Leyna, Lind, Loida, Lona▼, Lonna, Loyda, Lynde, Rhonda▼, Ronda▼, Shonda▼, Teona, Teonna, Vonda▼, Wenda, Wonda and Zenda. These names tend to be more frequently used than Leonda.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]