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♀ Lesy
What does Lesy mean?
Lesy as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the name Lesy means "man's defender". Lesy is an alternate spelling of Alexandra (Greek): Latinate feminine variation of Alexander.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALEXANDRA Ally▼, Cesya, Lexa, Lexi▲, Lexie, Lexy
Lesy Lela (L.L.), ..
How popular is Lesy?
Lesy is a rare first name for women. Lesy is an equivalently unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alexandra (#125 LAST YEAR), Ally (#1274), Lexa (#1805), Lexi (#342), Lexie (#776) and Lexy are the prominent related forms of Lesy (UNLISTED). These relations of Lesy reached the top of their popularity 22 years ago (MEDIAN #1125) and are now significantly less widespread (#1053, ▼62.5%), with versions such as Ally becoming less stylish. Lexi is the most trendy name for newborns in this compilation. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Lesy is pronounced similarly to Lacey▼, Laci▼, Lacy▼, Laisey, Lassey, Leasa, Leesa, Leeza, Leisa▼, Liesa, Lisa▼, Lissa, Lissi, Lissy, Liza▼, Lizy, Lizzy, Luci, Lucy, Luisa▲, Lusa, Lysa, Lyssa, Lyssi and Lyza. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bessy, Betsy▼, Casy, Elsy, Essy, Hepsy, Issy, Jessy, Josy, Kasy, Kelsy, Kessy, Lady, Lea▲, Leah▲, Lean, Leda, Lee▼, Leese, Lela▼, Lene, Leni, Lenya, Lesha, Lesia▼, Lesley▼, Lesli, Lesly▼, Leta▼, Letty, Lexya, Leya, Liby, Lies, Liese, Lily▲, Lis, Lise, Lisl, Livy, Lory, Lys, Lyse, Nessy, Posy, Rosy, Sessy, Susy, Tessy and Ursy. These names tend to be more frequently used than Lesy.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]