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♀ Lexa
What does Lexa mean?
Lexa as a name for girls has its root in Greek, and Lexa means "man's defender". Lexa is an alternate spelling of Alexandra (Greek): Latinate feminine variant spelling of Alexander. Lexa is also a variation of Lexie (Greek).
VARIANTS Lexya, Lexy, Lexia, Lexi▲
RELATIONS VIA ALEXANDRA, LEXIE Aleka, Alex, Alexa, Alexea, Alexi▼, Alexia▼, Alla, Allexa, Anda, Cesya, Elena▲, Lesy, Lesya, Lexann, Lexina, Lexine, Lexus▼
Lexa Nora (L.N.), ..
How popular is Lexa?
Lexa is an uncommon given name for females but a very popular surname for all people (#62236 out of 150436, Top 41%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Lexa was first listed in 2017 and reached its highest position of #1805 in the U.S. in 2018. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Elena (#66 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Alexa (#90), Alexandra (#125), Lexi (#342), Alexia (#517), Lexie (#776), Alex (#1332), Alexi, Alla, Lexus and Lexy are the prominent variation forms of Lexa (#1805) rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Lexa was widespread in 2006 (AVERAGE #892) and is somewhat lower today (#1087, 30.7% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Alexia becoming somewhat outmoded. Elena and Lexi are two of the more contemporarily stylish baby names in this list.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Lada, Laela, Lala, Lana▲, Lara, Lata, Lea▲, Leah▲, Leala, Lean, Leana, Leasa, Lecia, Leda, Ledah, Lee▼, Leela▲, Leena▲, Leesa, Leeta, Leeya, Leeza, Legra, Leia▲, Leila▲, Leina, Leisa▼, Lela▼, Lena▼, Lenae, Lenah, Lenai, Lenda, Lene, Leni, Lenna▼, Lenya, Leoda, Leola▼, Leona▼, Lesha, Lesia▼, Leta▼, Letha▼, Letta, Lexis▼, Leya, Leyda, Leyla▲, Leyna, Lia▲, Liba, Liesa, Lila▲, Lira, Lisa▼, Lita, Liva, Liya, Liza▼, Lola, Lona▼, Lora▼, Luba, Lula▼, Luna▲, Lura▼, Lusa, Lyda▼, Lyla▲, Lyna, Lyra▲, Lysa, Lyza and Xuxa. These names tend to be more frequently used than Lexa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]